When someone says you look good, but they don’t know why, that’s the ultimate compliment. Maybe you tweaked your skin care, tried a new makeup, did a series of advanced skin care treatment, or a little Botox. People will notice, and you will feel good.
Here’s some guidelines to get that Ultimate Compliment:
Care for your skin every day using effective products and intermittent facial treatments like facials, peels, dermaplaning, etc.
Slow down aging with advanced treatments like micro-needling - naturally stimulate your own collagen & elastin that you lose as you age
Go conservatively with injectables - a little Botox and some filler go a long way
Your makeup should be an extension of your skin care, meaning it does more than just cover
More details:
Effective, medical grade skin care products make a difference because they have a high concentration of results-oriented ingredients, but they must be used regularly for results. Skin care treatments accelerate and enhance the results you get from your home care skin program.
The best strategy is to stimulate your own collagen & elastin through treatments. Advanced treatments like micro-needling stimulate collagen & elastin that we lose as we age. Fillers are great to give you that immediate “pick me up” results. A good long-term strategy is a filler followed 12 months later with a micro-needling series. You get the natural stimulation and put off another filler for some time.
If you want Botox or other injectables always use less - you can always come back for more. Some Botox is great around the eyes or on the forehead to soften fine lines, not remove them. Too much will give you a frozen look. Or perhaps you want a little pick me up on your cheeks - a light filler works wonders. When people get injectables and not have a good skin care regimen, they don’t achieve the desired results.
If you have a specific concern - fine lines around your eyes, volume loss in your face or saggy skin, there are other options besides injectables. For example, for eyes you could do a series of Guinot eye facials or infusions of Intraceuticals Atoxelene. For saggy skin, you could do a series of micro-current treatments that stimulate the muscles while creating a low level of collagen & elastin.
Finally, don’t use makeup that just covers and has bad ingredients; use one that has ingredients that work with your skin while giving you the coverage and look you want. Jane Iredale is a great option. Many people use a good eye cream but follow it with a concealer that dries the eye area. This defeats the purpose of the eye cream.
Remember care for yourself. Love your skin care regimen, consider other treatments, use makeup that helps and remember exercise, nutrition and sleep also play a significant role in our looks. It may seem like a lot, but it really isn’t. Get the Ultimate Compliment & Age Beautifully.